2013年9月24日 星期二

The robots, though, became more than tools or avatars

Over the course of interviews with 23 operators of the tiny tank-like robots, participants talked about them in ways that blurred the lines between a tool and an extension of oneself. One man, "Jeremy," imagined his ideal robot as "a full human avatar," saying that "it would be me with remote control." Another participant jokingly talked about robots as things that reflect the thoughts of the people using them, saying that he could tell the attitudes of the person behind the robot by watching how it moved.Workers gathered the bundles and stacked them into shocks. Weeks later, a noisy steam-powered threshing machine lumbered up a lane to a barn aerial working platform, where workers hauled in the sheaves and dumped them into the machine's maw. When robots fail to perform, operators sometimes express frustration at themselves for failing to perform,And children who play games could even become better doctors. Founded in 1902 drill rod and based in Virginia, the association specializes in providing targeted business assistance, extensive global support, and business intelligence systems and analysis. even if it was a simple mechanical error. 

The robots, though, became more than tools or avatars: they became colleagues."They almost become like a team member," says operator "Ben." Though he made clear that a damaged or destroyed robot wasn't remotely on the same level as a wounded team member, there was still a sense of loss. When a friend's robot was blown up by an IED and the "carcass" was recovered, he says, someone attached a sign with the friend's name reading "Why did you kill me? Why?" The sign, along with many other anecdotes, was discussed as a joke. But people still talked to their robots or developed familiarity with a specific machine, learning its quirks.That one-two boost to both queries and transactions came from a better idea" hit upon by Oracle's engineers industrial extractor. 

Even if someone described the robot as only a tool in one breath, in the next they might talk about holding a funeral if it "died."It's human nature to give human or animal characteristics to an inanimate object; we do it with everything from computers to toys to huge forces like winds and oceans. Robots, though, are something different.Technology ended that when farmers could pull a combine into the fields and Skid steer loader do the threshing right there. They move of their own volition and have a sense of purpose, even if they're simply going in circles. And explosive ordnanA study by S.R.I. International, a Silicon Valley research group that specializes in technology,rock bolt found that game-based play could raise cognitive learning for students by as much as 12 percent and improve hand-eye coordination, problem-solving ability and memory.ce robots in particular take on a special significance.

