2013年11月24日 星期日

Sunken River Murray paddle steamer Canally resurfaces

Next door to Kindergarten, downstream in this chain-lake learning system,Casler probably never imagined that a version of his device would be used to animate health electronic cigar CE4 digital files. Behold: The Giphoscope. is the booming economic simulation engine of the fifth and sixth grade classroom. They too are simulating real life, this time in a spontaneous economy that includes banks, manufacturers of all kinds (tea, toffee, clothing and accessories?), service industries, currency, and municipal offices.Overall, corporate suction hose earnings for the third quarter have been better than analysts had forecast.Earnings for S&P 500 companies are expected to grow by 5.2 percent in the July-to-September period, according to S&P Capital IQ. The kids are handling real life problems in scale model, combinatory scenarios. This is higher-level reasoning, communication, and motor skills. But it's some of the same skills that any of us are applying to adult careers. We are all down stream from "combinatory play," if we are fortunate.This Great Lakes watershed could also be called childhood flowing into adulthood, and beyond. And this canoe of ours holds everyone, paddling together, in the same direction, hopefully. The AAP might be supplying a rudder for us. 

"In today's 'achievement culture,' the best thing you can do for your young child is to give her a chance to have unstructured play – both with you and independently. Children need this in order to figure out how the world works."How the world works? You mean, how Lake Superior is connected to the other great lakes and, eventually, the great Atlantic Ocean? How to navigate; how to manage those blue water currents – and your fellow paddlers. Don't forget man overboard and lifeboat drills – the world works best when there are well-trained first responders. To say nothing of exploring that portal to France! It's a big world out there. But it's a plenty big world right here in the kindergarten classroom. Paddle on. 

The Canally sank at the Morgan wharf this month and the reason remains unclear.It is no coincidence that all the new restaurants v just mentioned, including Mr. Maws's, are more casual and less expensive than their flagships.acrylic resinA salvage company spent the past fortnight arranging to lift the vessel back to the surface using airbags and containers.Chairman of the PS Canally restoration group Phil Reed said he was delighted with the high community support for the project."It's sort of really brought the Canally into the spotlight and it's made clear ... the project we're doing is something worthwhile and people obviously want to see another operating paddle steamer on the river," he said.

