2014年1月12日 星期日

Why Your Shoes Won't Save the World

There very well may be such a thing as caring capitalism, but the last few years of cause marketing evidence the opposite: corporations re-branding themselves with charitable causes seem to have funded the brands more than the causes. Both Toms and Ethos Water have made hundreds of millions of dollars while donating a million pairs of shoes and a few million dollars; both companies have also come under additional scrutiny for failing to honor their philanthropic promises. For Toms, it's where they manufacture their shoes and how their shoe donation practices fail to generate long-term benefits like jobs or infrastructure; for Ethos,They are used whenever people find it tedious or impractical to do the task Christian Louboutin Shoes, Dance explained. it's their steep mark-up on the designer water and the environmental costs of millions of plastic bottles.

When criticized, these companies usually claim that beyond dollars donated, they are raising the profile of some of the world's most important causes. But they've shown how it is more expensive to raise awareness than to simply raise money directly. Take Product Red,The survey found that in Brazil, India and Singapore that number jumps up significantly,Camouflage Suits as more than two-thirds of respondents in those countries use video conferencing at least once a week. the branded campaign to end HIV/AIDS that partners with companies like Apple, Gap, Hallmark, Nike, and Theory. These partners license the Product Red logo for their products and then donate a portion of their profits on those Red products. Today, Product Red claims to have donated $240 million to The Global Fund to fight AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis, but in 2007 it was lambasted for having invested $100 million in advertising and raising only $18 million for its cause.

The perfect can certainly be the enemy of the good,The build-out of her new salon is in progress wow eu_PVE RBG & Powerlvling and she's attending to a lot of details in preparation of that all-important opening day. and these corporations have shielded themselves from criticism with the defense that any donation is better than no donation. But this suggests consumers have no alternatives, in their consumption or in their charity. It's not a choice between the perfect and the good, only a parade of wolves masquerading as sheep. There are more than a million charities in the United States alone; we even have charities that rate and rank other charities. There is no shortage of deserving organizations to which you can donate your money, and your donation will likely do more good if you make it directly.

